This website allows you to move a square on the Open Street Map and download an 18 square kilometer big heightmaps from that position. It was also helpful that the community already created some tools, such as Terrain Party, which is using the Open Street Maps API. Also, the fact that it wasn’t the first time I created modifications for a game.

So, this month I started to work on it and my experience with different tools, especially graphic applications was beneficial. In this post, I want to show you my work in progress map but I also will talk about some methods that might help or inspire other map editors in Cities Skylines. What I was looking for was a one-to-one rendition of our city and there was only one way to get it, it would be to do it myself. I’ve seen that a few users (probably living here too) created such a map already but I tested them and I didn’t like the quality. I always wanted to play on the landscape of the city where I live, it’s Lübeck. But there was still something that I couldn’t get out of my mind. On that way, I found maps that I enjoyed. So, at some point, I discovered the Steam Workshop where users can upload their own maps as the game has a map editor.

I like city building games but there is something that annoyed me a lot. Some of you might know that I’ve been playing Cities: Skylines once in a while.